Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mr Pink-Whistle Interferes

Known as one of Enid Blytons most loved characters, Mr Pink Whistle is a cheeky wee vixen who interferes at any chance he can get. For children reading this book I am sure he will seem like a hero who saves the day when bullies and illness strikes, however, I was a bit put off.
Mr Pink Whistle is a middle aged looking elfy thing, who spends his time playing with little children. Now I don't usually look for the worst in people, but I didn't really have to go looking;
"He wanted to follow the twins home (they are eight....) and find out where they lived. He meant to give them a birthday present each. So he trotted behind them, although they didn't know it, and saw the house they lived in. He wrote the name of it in his notebook."
Now if a strange man followed my children home then proceeded to write down the address I'd call the police or release the hounds.
Mr Pink Whistle also punishes those who have been bad mercilessly till they cry, or someone begs him to stop;
"Please Mr Pink Whistle," she said, "don't punish my family any more. I can't bear it."
Yes he does stop after this, but seriously, if it got to this point.
Just think about his name, go on think about it.....
yes, even that is disturbing.

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